Part 2:
Still feeling uneasy from the overnight wind event in Oklahoma, I made a slow 4-5 hour trek to Kansas. This was one of the states I was really looking forward to visiting because of two rock formations “Monument Rock” and “Castle Rock”, but as time would have it I wasn’t able to make it to Castle Rock. I was however, completely happy with my time exploring Monument Rock. Below are a few pictures from Monument Rock, as you can see it’s nothing you’d expect to see in Kansas, these formations ARE just gorgeous, to think that the ocean was once running through Kansas is something that boggles my mind.

There was always the big question of “IF” I would be able to get Wyoming in on this trip. Due to the weather it was going to be a toss between too cold in Wyoming or too cold in Colorado, when everything was said and done, I knew I couldn’t have Wyoming out there undone so I headed to Wyoming. Not my preferred place to camp but, the only thing close to the WY/CO border that had an open shower was a KOA in Cheyenne so off I went to the KOA.
After paying for my site, I went on a little exploration of the state Capital – Cheyenne.

When I came back from exploring, and drove into the campground, I noticed the KOA sign, anyone who knows me, knows that I follow signs or at best I notice signs. I believe signs are placed in front of me, a gift from the universe, all I need to know is pay attention to see them……………. it’s a way to let me know that I’m on the right path. “JOURNEY”

When I don’t have to set my alarm clock, I tend to be an early riser. There’s always so much to see when the day is new, add in that today was a special day…… it was my 50th birthday. I broke down camp, packed it all up in under 10 minutes, took a quick shower and I was on my way to find me a Wyoming Sunrise.

There’s always a soft plan and it’s freeing to be flexible, so some decisions are made on the move. Today’s decision came while I was driving back towards Denver. I decided to spend a few hours in Rocky Mountain National Park.

As I entered the park for my first visit, I drove up to the rangers station, bought a yearly National Park pass for myself as a birthday present and was off for another round of exploring. 15 minutes after arriving at the rangers station it started to snow. What an amazing gift for this birthday girl. It made me feel so alive, so happy. Feeling the snowflakes on my face as well as seeing them flying around was like a dream come true!!

Since I had one last night of camping to finish up this leg of Camp50 and the overnight weather called for temps around 25 degrees AND of course WIND, I made a stop at the REI Denver Flagship store to see if I could rent another sleeping bag. I love my sleeping bag but, if I got cold I’d have a horrible time sleeping. The rental guy was so nice, because I was an REI member, he let me borrow a fleece liner, I just had to bring in back tomorrow.

I arrived at Cheyenne Mountain State Park, just outside Colorado Springs with only about an hour of light left. I found a campsite, set up my tent, paid with the self-service envelopes and I was ready for bed. I slept like a baby, I absolutely loved the level of comfort the fleece liner mixed with my Dri-down sleeping bag gave me. Not cold at all.
This is what I woke up to “SNOW” and “WIND”!!
It was now time to head home and pick up Patriot. I ended this trip feeling emotional & physically tired since I had traveled so many miles in such a small amount of time and because of that little wind incident in Oklahoma but, I ended the trip with a great sense of accomplishment. The healing had truly started to begin during this trip, I was finally able to open up to a someone I had never met, in fact it was first time in a long time I was able to open up to anyone. Looking forward to seeing Patriot and planning out the next #CAMP50 trip.
Happy Trails everyone