Since Memorial Day Weekend was just around the corner I decided to take Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off from work, giving me a six day weekend. Oh where, oh where should I go?
I started reviewing maps and wondered…… what states were close enough for me and Patriot to drive to. The decision was made to knock out New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Not knowing the area, I researched campgrounds and distances between each state, I also asked friends who live in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for their recommendations. The plan was starting to come together, we’d camp in each state for one night. Worthington State Forest NJ unable to reserve but, I could call the day of, Lums Pond State Park DE reserved Caledonia State Park PA reserved, and we’d wing it for Maryland if things didn’t work out, perhaps we’d come back in the fall to camp in Maryland and Virginia.Tuesday night came, two day workweeks are a killer….. time to pack up the CRV and get some sleep. Up early, everything was packed, just needed to feed Patriot and make coffee for the road. I decided to test my Hydroflask for the first time so, I made three cups of coffee and we were off on our little adventure. The plan was to call Worthington State Forest around 9am to reserve a site for the night, that’s when things got interesting. I called, spoke to the same lady I had talked to the week before, I babbled something about me and my dog just needed to camp one night that I was trying to camp in all 50 states……that’s when she said I’m sorry but, “No dogs allowed”. How did I forget to ask that question when I talked to her last week. She thought Camp50 was a great idea and told me there were three private campgrounds close by that allowed dogs, so I decided to head in the direction I had originally planned and figure things out when I got closer.
When we were about 15 minutes from Worthington State Forest, it was time for fill up the CRV again and find a place to call home for the night. Those smartphones sure come in handy. Camp Taylor was 10 minutes away and dogs were allowed. Camp Taylor was our home for the night. Light rain showers most of the afternoon into the evening but, I set up our tent, we took a walk in the woods and had dinner. Day one: our long day of travel was over and we said good night to this day.
Up early, broke down the tent, took a shower, headed to Delaware but, we had to make a pit-stop for a little outside trail time on the Appalachian Trail since the trailhead was close by.

The days prior to our arrival, the Mid-Atlantic had seen several inches of rain, so when we arrived at Lums our reserved site was too wet for me so we changed sites and set up the tent again. Took a little walk around the pond and then went to find a store for ice. Arrived back to camp just in time for a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning. GOOD TIMES.

Up early, broke down the tent, took a shower and headed to Pennsylvania. Found our site, set up our tent, checked out the bathrooms/showers and took off to find wood and some food. No rain in the forecast so we were going to have cheeseburgers and a campfire.

Up early, broke down the tent and took a shower. Since we were about an hour away, I wanted to visit Harper’s Ferry WV there was also a campground in Maryland 5 minutes from Harper’s Ferry that I wanted to check out. We stretched and had some lunch in Harper’s Ferry but, the campground was not going to work for us. Too Loud…… so I drove towards Baltimore hoping to find us a place to stay or we’d have to drive 7hrs home.
Oh look there’s a Starbucks. Pulled out the smartphone again and found a KOA that allowed dogs, just 1hr away. Off we went.
First I should say that KOA is not my preferred place to camp but, I was tired and there was no way I was going to be able to safely make a 7hr ride back to Massachusetts. Arrived KOA and there were motorcycles everywhere <tilts head to the side> what did I just walk into. Went in to register and they said we will be closed from 6pm- 7pm for the Blessing of the Bikes, there would be cake after. Ok, can I get ice and fire wood?? They said sure, we’ll deliver it to your site. Nice way to close out a long day of travel. A campfire and dinner while Patriot settled in.
Four days of travel along with…… tent up, tent down four times had made me pretty tired and hungry. The weather the last three days was on again, off again showers so dinners were not my usually camp style dinners but, tonight was the night…..tonight was the night to have BLT’s, so I did.
Now, time to check out that cake…… that’s when I realized there was no place I’d rather be on this Memorial Day weekend, no place I’d rather be to close out a four state camping trip. You see the Blessing of the Bikes was for the 25th anniversary of the Rolling Thunder a rather large group of veteran’s that would be rolling into Washington DC for Memorial Day. I was surrounded by men and women who have served this great country…… I was honored to be in their presence.
This story was a little long for my liking but, as I become more comfortable putting my adventures into words……the words will become less but, the things I learn along the way will stay with me forever. #CAMP50